Writing your sorrows can be possibly hard.

Apparently, these passed few days, I can't seem to write the simplest words to describe my complex sentiments. I've been dying to write an entry, yet the moment my fingers get to feel the surface of each key, my mind suddenly runs poverish. The passed days have brought me much negativity. It was like when God showered Earth with all the good things, and there I was standing and staring blankly as each boon falls down the sky. In the end, I was empty handed; caught nothing but remnants of dust and dead air.

Writing all your sorrows shouldn't be as hard as writing your happiness. But at this point, neither can be considered easy. I don't want to end up sounding like I'll be attempting to jump off a cliff or something because of the overload of downbeat emotions. Better keep it as light as I can possibly could. So, to get things straight:

Glad is awfully sad. :(


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