Some night.

It's a bit distressing at times to think of what you will say to someone especially if some tongue-tied incident happened between the both of you. I can't get the exact reason behind it, but one thing's for sure, the less things you do, the less mistakes you get. I wonder if minimizing actions would really help me out. *sigh

I got another dose of love 101 tonight. Words straight from a guy's own experience. Those things never fail to get me. Though I've constantly evaded listening to these shiznit, I can't help but to still pay attention. What actually sucks was the part where I heard him ranting on some reasons why he turns out the way he is because of some freakin' love blah. And I was just sitting there, digesting the sentiments and can barely do anything. Worse, as he goes on with the mishaps love brought him, images of people came crashing my mind. NOT a good sign.

I've been thinking too much things lately, and I guess this night paved way for me to think on those things deeper. Which reminds me:

"Hey, Glad! You still have a Case report to write plus Case studies to do. So get your ass back to work and stop thinking on less sensible matters!"

-Yes, sir! xD



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